
New project

Meteor Architects is a team of people who share the commitment, optimism and the same vision of modern architecture. With the use of imagination, talent and knowledge we combine into one a an often complex and contradictory factors: spatial, historical and cultural contexts, functionality and energy efficiency of the building with expectations and ambitions of the investor. Every topic is a new challenge, demanding equal commitment at all stages of work: from the first idea and a sketch, through multi-branch technical documentations, arrangements and administrative proceedings to the realization and final completion of the project. This difficult and complex process brings us satisfaction on its every stage.

Our team is formed of our former students from the Technical University in Bialystok who proved to be talented and responsible. The work at the university makes it easy to keep track of changes in international trends and any material or technical innovations. Contact with the academic world enables us to broad our theoretical knowledge and enhance the variety of its practical uses. It is of special importance at quickly developing technologies, especially in the environmentally friendly architecture.

Architecture isn’t created only by architects- there are big teams of specialists working on the projects: constructors, electricians, acousticians, roadmen, experts, technologists and many others. The variation of subjects on which we have been working, enabled us to cooperate with experienced bureaus of different trades which engage creatively in the realization of our ideas.

In our opinion, the fundamental value is a dialogue. Establishing positive relations between the building and surrounding , its history, tradition and atmosphere of the place, it is a true determiner of architecture’s quality. The dialogue with the future user, considering of his needs, habits and dreams is a guarantee of a well-served architecture. We feel obliged to create a positive atmosphere while working with a client who is considered to be our partner during the designing process.

Company awards
  • 2013  II place in the competition for The District Court in Nysa
  • 2012  II place in the competition for alteration of the old power station for the purpose Arsenał Art Gallery in Białystok
  • 2010  First prize in the competition for the urban and architectural concept of Ostrowiecki Brewery of Culture in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
  • Honorable mention in competition for the urban and architectural concept of Centrum Obsługi Odwiedzających Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz – Birkenau  in Oświ ęcim(Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau) in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
  • Architektura&Biznes 12/2010 In the shadow of extermination (W cieniu zagłady) Project of Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau in Oświęcim
  • Architecture info: Ostrowiecki Brewery of Culture in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
  • Sztuka Architektury: Levitating  crucile of culture (Lewitująca  tygiel  kultury)
  • Architecture&Biznes 10/2010: With coffee across the road (Z kawą przez jezdnię) Land use project for the Three Crosses Square in Warsaw
  • Arch #2 July/August 2010: Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau
  • Architecture et Artibus numero 2/2010: Criteria for assessing housing with high-density building development on the example of the study on program and spatial land use of Bison-Bial  S.A. terrain at Łąkowa 3 Street in Bialystok
  • 2009 Theatre Nowy, New place.  Architectural concept of a new residence for Theatre Nowy -Catalogue of competition project entries, Warsaw 2009
  • Apartment of the 21st – IV International Science Conference- presentation of the project for the Bison-Bial terrain use in Bialystok
  • 2008 Honorable mention in competition for urban and architectural concept of campus at the University of Bialystok at Ciołkowskiego Street- in cooperation with Arkon Jan Kabac
  • Honorable mention in competition for urban and architectural concept of a library building  at Bialystok University of Technology including the land use concept for the area of two streets: Zwierzyniecka Street an Świerkowa Street in Bialystok in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
  • SARP Bulletin 6,7,8/2008- Library of Bialystok University of Technology
  • Young people to Łódź (Młodzi do Łodzi)-  A national meeting for young architects: discussions and exhibition titled Who Are We (Kim Jesteśmy)
  • Exhibition of professional achievements of employees from the Department of Architectural Design at Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology- Bialystok
  • 2007 Honorable mention in a competition for an architectural concept project of Library of Science of Technics at Wroclaw University of Technology- in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
  • Honorable mention in a competition for the land use concept of the quarter of a building development of blocks of flats “Bacieczki V” in Białystok
  • Second Prize in a competition for the architectural concept of a multilevel garage “Okęcie” in Sanok- Second Edition
  • 2006  II Prize in a competition for the architectural concept of an assembly hall for the purpose of University of Bialystok at the Świerkowa Street – in cooperation with Arkon Jan Kabac
  • 2005 Honorable mention in a competition for the urban and architectural concept European Centre of Music and Art “Opera of Podlasie” (Opera Podlaska) in Białystok- in cooperation with PW Arkon Jan Kabac
  • 2004 New thought in architecture (Nowa myśl w architekturze)- the SARP award funded by the President of the Bialystok City for the final project diploma a “House not-private” by Anna Pszonak
  • Show all 23 awards
Grochowa 2a/lok. 302
15-423 Białystok


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