7 tips for choosing the perfect refrigerator

Lily Cichanowicz Lily Cichanowicz
_IN Panamby, ARQ_IN ARQ_IN Kitchen
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The kitchen can be an intimidating place to furnish and decorate. It is an integral part of the home so it’s important to get it right by way of appliances, storage space and general functionality. In terms of appliances, there isn’t so much wiggle room with regard to trial and error because these items are expensive. Most of us can’t simply buy a new fridge, try it out for a bit and then decide on a new one a month later. Plus, installing appliances like ovens, sinks, and refrigerators generally involve the help of a professional. And what exactly are the criteria for choosing something like a fridge anyway? 

Well, today we are going to help you keep your cool by covering everything you need to know about buying a new fridge. We hope you’ll come along!

Decide on a budget

Before we embark on the specifics about different refrigerator models, it’s essential to pin down a budget. Fridges can vary widely in price, and it can be easy to get in over your head with all the new gadgets and gizmos on the market. It’s best to assess which features you’re looking for and how much you can afford to spend. This way you won’t get carried away or blindly spend more money that you have to just to get this shopping chore over with. 

Keeping yourself anchored with a reasonable budget will act as the foundation for your refrigerator search. To start carving out your budget, it’s best to do some research online. You can easily compare prices based on the features and criteria you search.

Decide on the size

One of the most basic and important aspects of your fridge is its size. Since the refrigerator’s primary purpose is to house your perishable foodstuffs, you’ll want to make sure you go for an option with adequate space. In fact, most of the other features are just add-ons. 

To discern the size you need, start by measuring the space you have available in your kitchen. Unlike other rooms of the home, it’ll be pretty easy to figure out how much space you have to spare because most kitchen furnishings are fixed in one place. Next, it’s time to consider your typical load of groceries. If you have kids and a spouse, a family-sized fridge would probably work best!

Determine the best configuration

Now, let’s consider some of these add-ons we were talking about above. Refrigerators have come a long way in the past several decades from when they were literally just iceboxes. Today, many fridges—and other kitchen appliances—have some sort of computer technology and feature fancy automated displays. You can have a fridge that can update you about the weather or even one with a built-in TV screen. 

Some of the most common high tech features worth considering are a fridge that can regulate temperature automatically, or one that allows you to keep an updated shopping list at hand. Of course, none of these things are utter necessities and whether or not you choose to include them will also depend on the aesthetic you’re striving for in the kitchen.

Water and ice dispenser

One of the most popular auxiliary functions to include in your fridge is the water & ice dispenser. This is actually becoming a very typical aspect of new fridge models, as it is no longer viewed as a novelty and more as a necessity. It is certainly convenient to have cool, purified water on hand at all times! Plus, you won’t have to fight with ice trays to unleash the cubes, making it far easier to whip up smoothies, cocktails, and other creations. Nowadays, you can purchase a fridge with a water and ice dispenser at only a small additional cost.

Energy saving options

Going green is all the rage, and rightfully so. Our modern lifestyles can be a bit excessive in the amount of energy from unsustainable sources they require. Therefore, we highly recommend you invest in an energy saving refrigerator. They will not only lighten your ecological footprint, but they will also help cut your energy bill because refrigerators draw continuous electricity. 

In fact, for the additional money you spend to buy an eco-friendly fridge, you will eventually break even in reduced energy costs. Opt for refrigerators with an A or B sticker on them because this indicates that these are the most energy efficient models.

Choosing the best design

Of course, aesthetic appeal always plays at least a bit of a role in our furnishing choices, even when it comes to a fridge. While chrome is quickly becoming the most popular colour, there are actually plenty of options beyond the typical white, metallic, and black to choose from. 

This is especially the case if you’d like to go a bit retro. For instance, it’s the fridge in this kitchen by ARQ_IN that makes the greatest colour statement within the space. If going bold and bright isn’t quite your thing, black stainless is always in vogue!

Cleaning options

Lastly, considering their contents, it’s wise to expect that your fridge will get messy from time to time. Typically, it’s nothing that a bit of vigilance and some multi-purpose cleaner can’t solve. Just remember to use something non-toxic around the fridge even if there’s no food in there while you clean because the residual can still be harmful. Many people actually use vinegar in such places in the home to clean without harming anyone’s health. There are also fridges with antibacterial properties like air filters and protective linings. Yet, these things are not a substitute for manual cleaning every once in a while! Instead, it’s best to view them as supplementary helpers.

If you're also in the market for other kitchen appliances, check out these 7 essential kitchen items we just can't live without

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