11 no-stress ways to enjoy a calm and peaceful home

Johannes van Graan Johannes van Graan
Conservatory with Bronze Casement Windows on a Period Farmhouse, Vale Garden Houses Vale Garden Houses Classic style conservatory Tiles
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What is your mood like when you walk into your home? Relaxed? Anxious? We can all share horror stories about today’s stressful situations, but just because the world is overrun with pressure and negative energy doesn’t mean your personal spaces should contribute to it. 

A home is either the place that nurtures and supports you, or drains your energy levels slowly but surely – and in today’s fast-paced environment, a living space that de-stresses and calms you is more important than ever.

So what can you do to ensure your home becomes what it is meant to be: a calm and tranquil sanctuary where you can recharge?

Good question! Let’s take a look…

1. Realise that all rooms are important

Whether it’s a space you haven’t completely finished decorating or the main living area of the home, every room inside your house is important. So reject the need to close the door on that particular space that you don’t want to deal with – and deal with it!

Spaces that are pushed aside or ignored weigh on your unconscious and zap your energy, as they are essentially tasks left undone. So, start by making every space in your home inspired and feel those harmony levels rising.

2. Conquer the clutter

Not only does scrambling to find your keys put you in a stressful situation, but it also affects you even as you sit at your desk 20 miles away.

Create some structure. Put a plan in place to store those daily-used items (like car keys, wallets, mail, etc.) in one specific place. And tackle other areas that are a meltdown waiting to happen, like that closet doors ready to burst open from all the clutter.

3. Focus on colour

Don’t believe for a second that colour only decorates your background – several studies have shown how colour can change body temperature and even affect appetite. And since it impacts you on an emotional, psychological, and physical level, don’t you think you should pay more attention to the hues you pick for your home? 

Begin to become aware of how different colours impact you before bringing them into your personal spaces.

4. Remove the bad mojo

Your past experiences in life hang from your walls, sit on your shelves, or take up place inside your most personal spaces, like the bedroom. Memories attach themselves to physical items, like couches or framed photos, for they remind you of certain events and people. 

Never let your furniture contribute to bad vibes in your home. By removing this bad mojo you will be one step closer to creating a serene space.

5. Welcome in positive energy

Once you realise which elements you associate with good memories, begin to add them to your home – such as items from fun excursions that remind you of happy days and positive people. 

These items will give you a boost, nurture and inspire you as you move through your home and life.

6. Get yourself a “sanctuary slogan”

Decide what qualities, characteristics, and atmosphere you want to create in your home, and name it – this is your “sanctuary slogan”. 

All of us have unique needs that our environments can support us in fulfilling. By placing your slogan (whether it’s in a frame, hung from a wall, or painted) inside your house, you are creating a daily reminder to help you stay focused on your ideal life and home.

7. Have a nurturing space

Natural beauty is there to be enjoyed. And by incorporating natural elements into your home, you feed the innate need within you that fosters a sense of inner calmness and peace. 

Thus, pick out a wooden bowl, a small fountain, or even lush leaves placed in a vase, and start enjoying nature’s beauty inside your house.

8. Enjoy some plant power

Speaking of leaves, plants are so important for many reasons. Not only do they add colour and freshness to our homes, they also help to clean and re-oxygenate indoor air.

Incorporating potted indoor plants and fresh flowers into your interior design will help to eliminate the harmful off-gasses from many products, giving you a serene sigh of relief.

9. Don’t neglect those windows

Toxic air can create disharmony and disease, and unfortunately the air trapped inside your home can be much more toxic than the outdoor air. 

Push aside those drapes, open your windows and doors each day, and remember to take a deep breath.

10. Have designated technology zones

Allocating spaces for playing, resting and working will help you to move unconsciously from one activity to the next with ease. Design a layout within your home with designated areas for various activities, especially when it comes to watching TV and working on the computer. 

This creates an automatic cue to your subconscious informing you that it is time for a specific activity, which supports balance and harmony.

11. Take action

We all have to-do lists that are staring us in the face every day. Add to that items that need to be completed around the house and it’s no wonder we’re feeling exhausted all the time. 

Take a moment to reflect on what you would like your home and life to look like and begin by taking small steps each day to create a calm and peaceful home – it could be anything from changing your study’s wall colour to planting new flowers in the garden. 

Remember that each small step leads you closer to your goal. 

Since we’re talking about good vibes, let’s see: 8 Feng Shui tricks to attract money into your home.

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